PMF Launches New State-Certified Apprenticeship Program
November 05, 2019
Local Manufacturer PMF Launches Innovative Apprenticeship Program
Goal is to overcome stigma and attract skilled workers
Williamsport, Pa – October 25, 2019 – There’s a crisis facing the manufacturing industry: the lack of skilled workers. To help combat this challenge locally, PMF Industries, a leading metal’s fabricator specializing in flowforming, combined with other manufacturing processes, based in Williamsport, has established a groundbreaking apprenticeship program.
Working closely with the Pennsylvania Department of Labor, Keystone Development Partnership, and Central PA Workforce Development Council, PMF developed a strong, innovative, state-approved Computer Numerical Control (CNC) program that is discovering—and then delivering—exactly what skilled workers are looking for in today’s career opportunities.
“With an aging workforce, we knew if we didn’t think outside the box and use innovative ideas to attract new skilled workers, we’d be in serious trouble,” said PMF President & General Manager John Perrotto. “We were firm on the idea of establishing an apprenticeship program. But the bigger question was, how would it work? Then we had a breakthrough.”
PMF realized the key was to truly understand the interests and behaviors of their target audience—younger workers. Focused on this, they started to formulate a strategy around the things they knew would resonate with younger workers who might have a stigma against a career in manufacturing: technology, growth opportunity, no student loan debt, and more.
Armed with this insight, PMF developed an apprenticeship consortium with five local high schools that offer Career & Technology Center (CTC) Programs: Williamsport High School, Jersey Shore High School, Keystone Central, Sun Area Tech in New Berlin, and CPI in Bellefonte. Other Williamsport area manufacturers have since joined the effort.
The Program
Currently, eight apprentices are actively participating in the CNC apprenticeship program. These young people are earning while learning, and the educational aspect doesn’t cost them a dime.
Here’s the breakdown of the 3-year program for the participants:
- 2000 hours of paid, on-the-job training per year
- 144 hours (1 evening per week) of classroom instruction per year
- No educational costs for the student
Upon completion of the state-certified program, the apprentices earn the following:
- Three years of bonified work experience
- Earning a good wage with great benefits
- No student debt
- A state-certified Journeyman designation
“This program offers quite a positive leap into adulthood,” said PMF Executive Vice President & Director of Engineering Ken Healy. “We are creating viable career opportunities for young workers who have determined college is not in their plans, and we’re attracting the new workers we wanted. It’s a real win-win.”
About PMF Industries, Inc.
As the world’s premier flowforming manufacturer, PMF can produce component shapes beyond the means of conventional metal forming at a more economical price. Better yet, with our extensive range of processes we can make more than just traditional cones and cylinders; we form one-piece component shapes which nobody else can. And with all those processes under one roof, we can take our customers from design through to the finished product. One set of hands - One-piece construction - Endless possibilities.